Roger Bernat: Collective Efervescence

Arts Santa Mònica

Collective effervescence invites visitors to play a role in a play individually or collectively.

A different play will be available for performance every three weeks. Visitors can view documentation on the other pieces presented as part of the programme.

Consol Llupià, Jose Begega and Roger Bernat /FFF will organise launches of the works at different times. See the calendar of activities at www.xarxazande.net



05.05 – 29.05

Visitors are invited to take their cue from film and reconstruct the hell of irrationality, injustice and inequality that makes all loving relationships a shadow place for the collective. Values, laws and customs are suspended as we enjoy the exciting and sensual liberty of being rude to each other.



31.05 – 19.06

Visitors are invited to witness the speeches of the different organisations that moved La Moneda Palace in Santiago de Chile to the iconic neighbourhood of La Legua. Each group carried the palace for a section of the way, at the end of which a representative addresses the nation from the presidential balcony.



21.06 – 10-07

Visitors are invited to re-enact two workers’ assemblies: the one that Joaquim Jordà recorded in 1979 with Numax workers, and the one that Roger Bernat filmed 34 years later, when Fagor closed, leaving many cooperative members and workers on the street.